What Dog Doesn’t Love to Play Tug-of-War?
Dog's love to play, from big to small, you or old dogs spend some part of their day playing with toys & balls.
Sometimes I don't have time to play with my dogs or they just prefer to play tug a war by themself.
That's where tether tug comes in handy.
My 3 dogs can go outside and tug at their tether tug whenever they want.
Minus right now, we did bring our tether tug in due to snow and melting snow, the yard was getting a little muddy so we take them out when needed so our home isn't full of mud.
Sometimes I don't have time to play with my dogs or they just prefer to play tug a war by themself.
That's where tether tug comes in handy.
My 3 dogs can go outside and tug at their tether tug whenever they want.
Minus right now, we did bring our tether tug in due to snow and melting snow, the yard was getting a little muddy so we take them out when needed so our home isn't full of mud.
Tether Tug is perfect for all dogs. It's like a giant cat toy, but for dogs.
With Spring right around the corner and weather getting better, your dogs are going to want to be outside more.
Let them have something to entertain them.
Tether Tug
Order Here
Tether Tug comes in 6 different ways:
You can even purchase extra ends to the tether tug so when your
dog ruins the one included you have spares.
dog ruins the one included you have spares.
There’s no one answer as to why dogs delight in playing tug-of-war, but one thing all pet owners know is they sure do love it. Unfortunately, our shoulders and arms cannot handle much more than a few minutes of tugging, pulling, and fun. With the Tether Tug, dog owners give their dog the gift of tug-of-war any time of the day they want.
Today we offer a variety of Tether Tug products designed for keeping dogs healthy, happy, and entertained. From the UBER Tether Tug to the Indoor Tether Tug, and even the Puppy Tug, we know you’ll find a product that works great for your breed – maybe even two!
Today we offer a variety of Tether Tug products designed for keeping dogs healthy, happy, and entertained. From the UBER Tether Tug to the Indoor Tether Tug, and even the Puppy Tug, we know you’ll find a product that works great for your breed – maybe even two!
Tether Tug is easy to install. It's installed with a 14″ metal in ground base. Using a rubber mallet drive the metal base into the ground until the two holes at the top of the base are just above the ground. If using a hammer, place a block of wood or other item on top of the base so it doesn’t deform during installation. Now, insert the Tether Tug toy into the base. The toy is now ready for play!The pole slides into and out of the base to allow for mowing. We recommend the base be installed deep into the ground to allow the mower to drive over it.
We never have to worry about it getting in the way of mowing, and like I mentioned above we can take the tether tug in when we don't want the dogs outside playing. Or during bad weather. Just pull the pole out of the metal base and slide it back in when they are ready to play.