What we've done from November to now..... (New Years Eve)

My Dad & Step Mom were in town all last month helping my boyfriend put a deck in the back and side yard. 
We have been waiting to get this done, since we had to tear out the back porch from the plumbing issues. 
Luckily we got this done the day before 19 degrees temps hit. 
I am so happy with the results and even spent this morning ordering sod. 800 sq ft will be here day before Thanksgiving from Northland Turf in Chino Valley. Can you believe you can lay sod when it's this cold. They assured me this is the perfect time to lay sod. I can't wait till next week. (of course you can see I wrote this all and never posted it)
We still need to add railing and steps to the deck, the steps will hopefully happen this weekend and the railing will have to wait till my Dad comes back in a few weeks. (still haven't got this part done)
Below is the start to end project. 

Next week, seal the deck before it gets too cold & paint the house. We are still debating on colors. Iv'e got about 8 sample colors painted on the side of the house, can't figure out what one we want, yet! (got the deck sealed, looks beautiful, but still haven't painted the house and don't think we will get around to it till Spring)

Before Porch & Dirt Yard

PictureFinished porch, before stain/sealant.

Porch framing

My Dad =)
Down the side of the house, done except the railing, my Dad will be back once the snow melts to help us. Next week hopefully

Back of the house, sliding glass door goes into our bedroom, right off the trellis side will be a hot tub soon.

Thanksgiving Eve Brock & I spent hours laying sod. 
We were both frozen solid when we got done, but still got right up the next morning and treated ourselves to a yummy early dinner. Once Spring hits our grass will be all filled in, other plants will be planted and our hot tub will be in(hopefully sooner on the hot tub). We will also add rock to non grass areas and front yard. Along with a picket fence all around the front yard. 
yard before sod

katy the kitty & jacky checking out the new grass

hard to see but that's jacky & molly playing on the grass. we were almost done at this point and almost frozen solid =)

Thanksgiving morning, the shaded area is where the hot tub will go.

New Years Eve

behind shed/garage dog play and dig area and fire pit area once they sell patio furniture up here again we will buy chairs for around the fire pit and patio furniture.