Since receiving these I have not flown anywhere but have used them numerous times when driving from my town to the next. There is large change in elevation for my drive and my ears always get so clogged. I have the worse time getting them to pop. So lately I have been using my EarPlanes on the ride. No longer do I have the clogging and non popping issues. My ears just stay normal the whole ride. It also reduces the noise in the car from road sounds and my boyfriends music =)
I love my new Earplanes and wish I would of discovered these sooner.
Earplanes are approved by flight attendants, recommended by doctors. Earplanes are intended for people with sensitive ears or people who must fly even though suffering with a cold, allergy or sinus condition. Earplanes have a patented design, made of hypoallergenic latex-free silicone for a comfortable fit, to regulate air pressure naturally and provide protection from ear pain and discomfort, while still allowing for safety announcements and in-flight movies to be heard.
EarPlanes™ and EarPlanes™ for Kids are available at major drug, mass market and airport retailers, such as CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Paradies, Hudson News and many others for an average retail price of $9.00. Connect with EarPlanes™ or you can purchase them online HERE
Enter Below for your chance to win a pair of Earplanes, Good Luck Everyone!