Holiday Gift Giving ~ Zim's Max Crack Creme (2) Winners Giveaway


The perfect stocking stuffer


Why not stuff stockings with something loved ones can actually use. 
Every year i'm on the lookout for practical, useful and much needed items my family can use. 
I like to fill their stocking with things they can use, not just candy and funny things. 
Everyone has dry, cracked and sore skin at this time of the year. 
Some of my family members work construction or have their hands in water all day long
so this is a product that is much needed in our family. 
I will be adding both ​Zim's Max Crack Creme Creamy Daytime Formula & Original Liquid Formula
to those ones stockings for sure.
Zim's crack cremes would work perfect in a kitchen gift basket or a nice bedtime gift basket too.


Zim's CRACK Creme
​Creamy Daytime Formula
is an herbal formula that softens and moisturizes dry, cracked skin. Developed by a pharmacist. Recommended for daytime use, complimenting nighttime use of the Original Liquid Formula . Use on Hands, Feet, Elbows, Cuticles & More.
Our original liquid and creamy daytime products are ideal for the dry split fingers often associated with dry atmosphere weather in wintertime or southwestern climates.
My boyfriend has been using this Zim's Crack Creme Creamy Daytime Formula for a week now.
He has his hands in water for the most part of the day (he works with a mobile dog groomer).
​On-top of it being a dry time of the year his hands are a mess, cracks all over.
I always feel so bad for him, you can tell they hurt.
But no more issues, his hands are nice and smooth, crack free thanks to Zim's Crack Creme
Pair this with the below product and your hands or any other area you need to get rid of
dry/cracked skin and it will go away.... and fast.

Only $6.99 and makes a perfect stocking stuffer or gift basket item.


Out of stock online at Zim's... but this wonderful product is a liquid that you use a few times a day to make your skin smooth and crack free.
My boyfriend uses this every night along with the above crack creme. He first applies this liquid to the top side of his hands and rubs it in. I have used it a few times too since my hands are starting to dry it. It has a pleasant herbal type scent.
You can feel it absorb right away into your skin, leaving no greasy residue. He allows it to sit a few minutes then applies the daytime formula. He feels he gets the best results this way. He has VERY dry hands. 

Legendary Zim's Crack Crème was developed over 60 years ago by a pharmacist for cement workers complaining of dry, cracked skin on their hands and feet. The pharmacist developed a natural, herbal based product now known as Zinc's Crack Crème. This product has a strong and loyal following of many mechanics, construction, factory and healthcare workers and countless other suffering from dry cracked skin.



Enter below for your chance to win the above reviewed products. You will love them. This is the worst time of the  year for dry hands. Let Zim's help you relive those sore, chapped dry hands with these wonderful cremes. 
This also works for dry feet. 
​Excellent must have products for yourself or as a gift.