Gold Nugget Ghee ~ Chocolate Honey Ghee Review, Discount Code & Giveaway


GOLD NUGGET GHEE is committed to bringing people the highest quality ghee available on the market. They source butter from small farms in Northern California, which provides a unique rainforest ecosystem that allows cows to happily graze on  green grass ALL YEAR long. They are committed to providing nutrient-dense ghee that supports your health, our food system, and planet.

Gold Nugget Ghee strives for integrity throughout all aspects of their business. Every decision supports other businesses, lives of our fellow humans and animal friends. They start by sourcing their butter from pasture-raised cows that are treated with ultimate care and respect in Humboldt County, CA;  they live a happy, beautiful, and low stress life.GOLD NUGGET GHEE embraces supporting local and supporting a lower ecological footprint by supporting California farmers, as well as their cows. These ladies are the backbone of our business! Our ghee is handcrafted in small batches in a happy, low-stress kitchen in Arcata, CA, paying careful attention to bring out the best texture possible, as well as the rich aroma and notes of caramel. 
I love my Gold Nugget Ghee's Chocolate Honey Ghee. Ghee is a staple in my home but I have never had the chocolate honey blend. It is heaven. I have been spreading it on my toast every morning. It is the perfect way to add flavor plus get your healthy fats. 

Ghee is an excellent source of good fats, vitamin A, D, E and K. It is also great for people who can't tolerate diary because there is no casein or lactose.



Every morning I have a cup or two of Bulletproof coffee and adding ghee has always been better than butter both in texture and taste. Ghee has a beautiful taste with deep, rich caramel notes, nutty taste, and amazing flavor.  I am so addicted to this chocolate honey ghee in my bulletproof coffee, It adds a touch of mocha flavor without being overwhelming or too sweet. I never add sugar to my coffee because I'm 
not a fan of super sweet coffee but I do love to add flavor and a creamy texture so Gold Nugget Ghee's Chocolate Honey Ghee is perfection.
Ghee is an awesome product that does not need to be refrigerated at all so you can leave it on the counter by your coffee maker or toaster. Since it does not to be refrigerated it makes it easy to bring everywhere with you. I like to take mine camping with me and keep some at work. I don't need to worry about it spoiling or melting all over like a typical stick of butter would. 
Ghee also has a higher cooking temperature  of 482F so it wont burn as quickly as butter. So it is the best to slather all over your 

steak while cooking it. I also like to add it to ground beef if you're eating Keto.
Gold Nugget Ghee is not only a health conscious company, they are also environmentally aware. They package all of their ghee in glass jars that can be used numerous times! ​​​You can use it later for canning or even storage. This is an awesome way to leave a smaller carbon footprint. 

You can buyGold Nugget Ghee directly from their website and have it shipped to your front door. YAY!! 
 Use the coupon code "simple10" to save 10% off your purchase! 

Make sure to follow Gold Nugget Ghee on all their social media sites!

Gold Nugget Ghee is on Instagram:

Gold Nugget Ghee is giving away a jar of their Chocolate Honey Ghee to two (2) lucky Simple Side of Life readers.